Monday, January 12, 2015

Happy New Year!

For the New Year, I've resolved to organize my massively out-of-control inventory.  That done, I immediately went out shopping!

I took the plunge on Slink feet, but couldn't quite bring myself to plunk down another 450L for their hands... but I recently discovered you can buy JUST the "Slink Enhancement Fingernails" that can use ALL the gorgeous nails out there for a more reasonable 150L.  They are only available in their inworld store.  (While you are there, don't forget to pick up the free "Slink Ankle Lock" attachment that keeps your feet from doing weird things at times).

Of course, I then had to run out for a new manicure and found this great free set of glitter nails in eight colors from Pink Cherry - their prize in the Winter Fantasy Hunt which runs until January 15.

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